What does the “theonomic” view of ethics really maintain? Many people (especially critics) are pretty far off the mark here. Dr. Bahnsen, author of Theonomy in Christian Ethics, explains in these easily understood lectures what the Bible teaches about the continuing normativity of the Old Testament law and its relevance for modern politics. Great summary presentation of the “theonomic” position.
This set continues the discussion of “theonomic” ethics, making application of the thesis and addressing particular ethical questions facing our culture today.
Many believers and modern teachers are confused about the authority of the Old Testament law in the life of the New Testament Christian. You will appreciate the refreshing nature and concrete help given by Dr. Bahnsen’s clear and biblically-based analysis of this relevant subject. This is a very practical explanation of “theonomic” ethics.
Part of the BASIC TRAINING SERIES, this is the best set to introduce the topic of “theonomic” ethics. Easy to understand-assumes no prior knowledge of the subject.
The ethical issues pertaining to war have provoked controversy among Christians for years-as they did during the U.S. intervention against Iraq in 1991. At that time Dr. Bahnsen delivered three penetrating lectures on the biblical principles regarding war, when and how wars are to be conducted, and the gospel plan for ending them. Challenging to hawks and doves alike.
What has been especially challenging (and controversial) about theonomic ethics is its view of applying God’s word to the political arena. Dr. Bahnsen offers an explanation and defense of the theonomic view of politics, summarized in key premises, at Westminster Seminary (Escondido) in 1982.
The Source of Wars
The Conducting of Wars
The End of Wars
These tapes offer a probing overview of the Ten Commandments and the applicability to individuals and to our culture.
This series delves into the ethical obligations Christians have regarding economic relations and social issues, analyzing them from a biblical perspective.
In 1980 Dr. Bahnsen presented these lectures in his course at Ashland Theological Seminary. More in-depth attention to theologically oriented controversies is given than in other courses, and more background preparation is assumed.
Delivered at Christ College in 1991, these lectures by Dr. Bahnsen cover the scope of ethics, from its foundational concepts, to a critique of non-Christian ethical systems, through a discussion of the purpose of our conduct, the kind of people we should be, the norms by which we must live and many of the practical (and difficult) moral issues which arise today.
This series, taught in Jackson, Mississippi in 1979, meets the needs of those who want training in ethics which is beyond the elementary level and which addresses key issues, but which does not require the level of preparation needed for a college or seminary course.
Dr. Bahnsen demolishes the myth that God’s people can be neutral regarding Christian commitment in any area of their lives. The glorious Lordship of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, explained and applied.
Dr. Bahnsen forcefully demonstrates that all nations-including their leaders-owe allegiance to the ascended Christ and must obey His word as it touches political affairs.
This course surveys the basic issues of political ethics and the key disagreements Christians have over them. Special attention is given to Christian involvement in the political arena, the standard which believers should apply, and particular problems which must be addressed in our own society (e.g., welfare, war, capital punishment, etc.).
Our culture repeatedly appeals to the notion of “rights,” but hardly anyone analyzes and understands what it means for something to be your “right.” Dr. Bahnsen explores the meaning (and abuse) of “civil rights,” arguing that apart from the Christian worldview the notion of anybody having rights is futile.
In November, 1991, Dr. Bahnsen debated a liberal Presbyterian minister (Dr. James Atwood) who served on the board of a handgun control lobby in Washington, D. C. Does the Bible warrant the civil government curtailing the rights of citizens to own firearms? Dr. Bahnsen forcefully argued from the facts and biblical teaching, defending civil liberties and the scriptural approach to greater peace and less violence in society.
On the John Stewart radio program, Dr. Bahnsen held a dialog with a man (Mr. Paul Johnson), who claimed to be a “Christian homosexual.” You will want to see how this man’s deceptions and faulty scholarship were exposed and refuted by Dr. Bahnsen. Includes a separate radio dialog with Jim Mitulski, pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church in San Francisco, the largest homosexual congregation in the city.
Dr. Bahnsen responds to controversial social problems with solid biblical answers. These lectures will assist you in thinking through some of these matters and help you develop godly responses.
In May of 1993 Dr. Bahnsen spent two weeks speaking to various groups and conferences in Moscow during a time of Parliamentary and constitutional turmoil. These messages (with his Russian translator) are encouraging and exciting for their forceful presentation of the Christian worldview in settings which were often hostile to the true faith.
Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen will lead you through some of these difficult issues as he applies God’s word to these hot topics
A Course in political ethics that explores the issues of God’s will for the state, the philosophy of the state, various Christian approaches and problems in political ethics.
Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen will lead you through some of these difficult issues as he applies God’s word to these hot topics.
Ethical problems face us from every direction. These lectures are studio quality.
Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen will lead you through some of these difficult issues as he applies God’s word to these hot topics.
Ethical problems face us from every direction. Dr. Bahnsen will lead you through some of these difficult issues as he applies God’s word to these hot topics.
Delivered at Regent University Law School, Dr. Bahnsen explains Christian Reconstructionism and presents a lecture on “Just War Theory.”
Much of the controversy over “theonomy” is the result of misinformation and distortion by opponents. These lectures by Dr. Bahnsen set out, in brief form, a summary of the theonomic position.
Dr. Van Til wrote in Christian Theistic Ethics, “There is no alternative but that of theonomy and autonomy.” It must be either God’s law or man’s law. Dr. Bahnsen sets forth the antithesis between these two ethical systems and demonstrates why Christians must maintain a theonomic view of ethics
Dr. Bahnsen responds to various critics and criticisms offered against the theonomic view of ethics, demonstrating that they fall short of overthrowing the theonomic position.
Dr. Bahnsen responds to Westminster Seminary’s book: Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, demonstrating that his critics have either misrepresented his position or misrepresented the Bible.
An evaluation of both the non-theonomic and the theonomic schools of thought and their impact on our culture. These critiques challenge both positions to examine themselves and to consider the future. A final message offers an exposition of the various biblical uses of the word “law.”
God’s word speaks to every area of life-personal and corporate-including the civil realm. Hear Dr. Bahnsen lays out a biblical view of civil law and how the Scriptures apply to our current legal situation.
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“…I counsel you to not read your Bible from cover to cover; but, I would also say to read everything in it.”
— Dr. Greg Bahnsen —
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